- How tolerant are we for different personalities? Are we aware of our intolerances?
- How do I cope with multiple personalities?
- How do we tackle potential stress in the group?
- How would you rate the listening level of the group? Could you discuss how to improve it?
- Do we ensure everybody is involved and is participating?
- Do we know which conflicts to solve and how?
Journaling – Intolerances
- Am I aware of my tolerances which are activated in this collaboration?
- Do I try to tackle them? How?
- Are we defining together shared values & behaviours?
- Did we identify behaviours we won’t accept in this group?
Journaling – Stress
- By how much am I conscious of my stress?
- Which strategies could I use to quickly reduce my stress level “on the spot”?
- How would be my life if my stress level would reduce substantially?
Journaling – Listening
- What could I do to improve my listening skills?
- What would be the benefits of it?
- In meeting, what could we do together to boost listening?
Tools for listening
- Heard, Seen, Respected (HSR)
- A tool to foster the empathetic capacity of participants to “walk in the shoes” of others
- Appreciative Interviews (AI)
- In less than one hour, a group of any size can generate the list of conditions that are essential for its success.
Tools for problem solving
- Discovery & Action Dialogue (DAD)
- Discover, Invent, and Unleash Local Solutions to Chronic Problems
Tools for conflict resolution
- In a traditional workplace, people often raise the dispute to a boss to settle the matter. In self-managing organizations, disagreements are resolved among peers, often using a conflict resolution process. Consult this page to find out more about tools for conflict resolution.