Hoffice is a network aiming at creating fantastic, free work spaces – and make it thereby possible for people to realise their dreams. The work spaces are free of charge, as we are using a during-the-day underused resource: our homes. They become fantastic, as we use methods of structuring the day that allow us as individuals to benefit from the support and intelligence of the collective. And here is how that looks like:
But even though there is a structure, you are very welcome to ignore it, keep working while the others take breaks, come and go whenever you want. The structure is there to help us, not to limit us.
Hoffice v2 from Vincent De Waele on Vimeo.
The benefits
By working at Hoffice, we give ourselves and each other the gift to spend our days in a social working environment, where we are extremely productive without ignoring our other human needs. We support each other to focus on what is most important and to work on this in a methodical and concentrated way. We give ourselves and each other the possibility to continuously learn about our optimal working processes and ourselves. We also make sure to give us and each other what we need to feel calm, happy, inspired and creative during the working day. Breaks are used to experience meditation, Qi Gong, a short walk or just a coffee while discussing with the others.
To work at Hoffice is in a way different from most other workplaces that might seem for people who haven’t tried it yet as a paradox. We get more important things done by spending time on taking care of ourselves, laugh and enjoy together.
In Brussels
You’re invited to register on the Meetup page to view the dates and register at the upcoming Hoffice days or on the Facebook page to get a glimpse of how it looks like to use Hoffice. Or send me a mail for more information: vincent.dewaele@gmail.com
A podcast to discover more about the concept
The New Workers épisode n°48: Hoffice, une façon originale de travailler – Link